作者:        审稿:戢俊臣        发布时间:2022-01-21        阅读量:

唐永严,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,四川省“天府峨眉计划”获得者。长期从事水稻胁迫响应和植株发育的分子机制研究。近年来,发现了水稻RNA m5C甲基转移酶OsNSUN2能够通过偏好性修饰编码叶绿体蛋白的mRNA,来提高高温条件下叶绿体蛋白的补给能力,从而保障叶绿体功能正常发挥,使植物适应高温环境。发现了OsBZR1-OsmiR396d模块能够整合BR和GA信号途径,通过调节下游不同GRF基因的表达来调控水稻的株高和叶家角发育。目前,在Developmental CellScience AdvancesPlant Physiology等学术期刊发表研究论文12篇。其中以第一作者发表在Developmental Cell的论文被该杂志选为精选论文,并成为F1000Prime的推荐论文。以第一作者发表在Plant Physiology的论文被选为领域高被引论文。现指导博士研究生1名、硕士研究生3名。


1. 2021-01至今四川农业大学西南作物基因资源发掘与利用스포츠 베팅 사이트副教授

2. 2020-07至2020-12四川农业大学西南作物基因资源发掘与利用스포츠 베팅 사이트(筹)副教授

3. 2013-09至2019-09 中国科学院植物研究所 博士后

4. 2007-09至2013-06 中国科学院华南植物园 博士研究生

5. 2003-09至2007-06 华中农业大学 本科






1. Yongyan Tang#, Chun-Chun Gao#, Ying Gao, Ying Yang, Boyang Shi, Jia-Li Yu, Cong Lyu, Bao-Fa Sun, Hai-Lin Wang, Yunyuan Xu, Yun-Gui Yang*, and Kang Chong*. OsNSUN2-mediated 5-methylcytosine mRNA modification enhances rice adaptation to high temperature,Developmental Cell, 2020, 53: 272-86.

2. Yongyan Tang#, Huanhuan Liu#, Siyi Guo, Bo Wang, Zhitao Li, Kang Chong, and Yunyuan Xu*. OsmiR396d affects gibberellin and brassinosteroid signaling to regulate plant architecture in rice, Plant Physiology, 2018, 176: 946-59.

3. Yongyan Tang, Meiru Li, Yaping Chen, Pingzhi Wu, Guojiang Wu, and Huawu Jiang*. Knockdown of OsPAO and OsRCCR1 cause different plant death phenotypes in rice, Journal of Plant Physiology, 2011, 168: 1952-59.

4. Zhitao Li, Bo Wang, Zeyong Zhang, Wei Luo,Yongyan Tang, Yuda Niu, Kang Chong and Yunyuan Xu*. 2021. OsGRF6 interacts with SLR1 to regulate OsGA2ox1 expression for coordinating chilling tolerance and growth in rice,Journal of Plant Physiology, 2021, 260: 153406.

5. Bo Zhao,Yongyan Tang, Baocai Zhang, Pingzhi Wu, Meiru Li, Xinlan Xu, Guojiang Wu, Huawu Jiang, and Yaping Chen*. The temperature-dependent retention of introns in GPI8 transcripts contributes to a drooping and fragile shoot phenotype in rice,International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21: 299.

6. Qiang Ge,Yongyan Tang, Wei Luo, Jingyu Zhang, Kang Chong, and Yunyuan Xu*. A cyclophilin OsCYP20-2 interacts with OsSYF2 to regulate grain length by pre-mRNA splicing,Rice, 2020, 13: 64.

7. Zhou, Xin, Yue Zeng,Yongyan Tang, Yiming Huang, Fengting Lv, Libing Liu, and Shu Wang*. Artificial regulation of state transition for augmenting plant photosynthesis using synthetic light-harvesting polymer materials, Science Advances, 2020, 6: eabc5237.

8. Hong Rong,Yongyan Tang, Hua Zhang, Pingzhi Wu, Yaping Chen, Meiru Li, Guojiang Wu, and Huawu Jiang*. The Stay-Green Rice like (SGRL) gene regulates chlorophyll degradation in rice,Journal of Plant Physiology, 2013, 170: 1367-73.

9. Tao Wang, Liangyu Liu,Yongyan Tang, Xiaobo Zhang, Meidong Zhang, Yonglian Zheng and Fangdong Zhang*. Using the Phosphomannose Isomerase (PMI) gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae for selection in rice transformation,Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2012, 11: 1391-98.

10.Xiaoxue Pan,Yongyan Tang, Meiru Li,Guojiang Wu, and Huawu Jiang*. Isoforms of GBSSI and SSII in four legumes and their phylogenetic relationship to their orthologs from other angiosperms,Journal of Molecular Evolution, 2009, 69: 625-34.


2021年 获四川省“天府峨眉计划”青年人才项目



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